Dawlance Sustainability Hackathon

Welcome to the Dawlance Sustainability Hackathon, where we bring together brilliant minds and passionate innovators to redefine the future! As a leading brand in home appliances, Dawlance is committed to building a more sustainable future by creating eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and socially responsible solutions. This hackathon is your chance to shape that future through collaboration, ideation, and innovation to make Dawlance products more sustainable. From enhancing energy efficiency and using eco-conscious materials to integrating smart technologies for waste reduction, the possibilities are endless.

Together, let’s create solutions that align with Dawlance’s vision for a more sustainable future—because every innovation brings us closer to a better planet.

Register for the Dawlance Sustainability Hackathon:

Click Here


Please consider following points

I. Team Composition:

·  2-4 team members

·  Teams must comprise of undergraduate students preferably led by 3rd or final year student

·  Teams with diverse background and skill set is encouraged

·  Encourage gender balance


II. Team Lead:

·  Team Lead is a 3rd year/final year student

·  Team Lead is motivated and possess skills to lead a team

III. Team Relevance and Commitment:

·  Ensure team members are available to participate fully during the hackathon.

·  Team shows enthusiasm and commitment to compete in the Hackathon.

·  Team members posses required skill set to participate in the Hackathon

·  Proper Response is provided against the theme they are competing in